The pandemic has disrupted lots of professional activities in the physiotherapy world, one of which is the CAPR (Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators) clinical exam. This means there is a delay in the licensing process for international physiotherapists and Canadian physiotherapy graduates:
In March 2020, in-person clinical exams were cancelled countrywide as the world reacted to the COVID-19 pandemic. Six months later, in November, the exams were cancelled with the goal of developing a pandemic-proof alternative.
Then, in March 2021, the online physiotherapy exam platform crashed while students were in the midst of taking the test, leading to cancellations. The following month, CAPR cancelled all of its 2021 clinical exams but has recently reinstated them.
On Wednesday (September 8th), CAPR held its first round of exams on a new virtual platform. There were 24 students registered. Again, it was plagued by issues.
“Today we relaunched the virtual clinical exam. Some candidates have already completed the exam, but unfortunately, we did experience a series of small issues with other candidates,” the assessment agency wrote on Facebook.
It says only 50 per cent of the candidates completed the exam.